уторак, 21. децембар 2010.

CIAO AMICI, Napokon d dejs of maler ar over XD

HELL JEA!!! Napokon 100 divnih vesti :D, 1. VRATIJA SE SIME! ( Prijatelj, mirne duse i umiljatog glasa, on! sa operacije!, vratio se kuci, gde mu je i mesto, da slusa i razume dan i noc kuckanje i kliktanje :D ), LAPTOP je popravljen na uzajamno zadovoljstvo i moje i njegovo!, a za ove u servisu..., kako je njima bilo nemam pojma, mada po njihovom izrazu lica, kada su me videli...i njima je laknulo XD. BRZ, PRAV, ZDRAV radi kao munja!!! 2. NIKON D70  koji je stvarno neslavno zavrsio karijeru, ( zauvek ce ostati misterija kako se sam od sebe slomio! ) je prodat...Neka je sa SRECOM! I NEKA VAS SLUZI DOBRO, kod koga god da je, e sada shodno tome da se bez fotica nemoze, njegovo misto je zauzeo CANON SX 130 is :D

VRLO, VRLO, VRLO...sam zadovoljan kako ovaj malac crta i kako se ponasa, naravno nije ni blizu DSLR aparata, ali sto bi se reklo ZA TE PARE RADI KO..., HD video, pristojnog kvaliteta, sa kojim cu se igrati kasnije :) pa cu videti sta ce od toga da ispadne...enivej evo par fotografija...

Dalje, skrenuta mi je paznja da nebi bilo lose, da svoj blog pisem u 2-jezicnoj formi, bolje je ovo ono, pa cu pokusati da prevodim na INGLIS, e sada koliko cu biti uspesan u tome...videcemo, dalje...takodje mi je skrenuta paznja da kako bi trebao da napravim jos 1 blog koji bi se bavio iskljucivo MOJIM RADOM :), pa sam razmislio i shvatio da je to logican izbor, hvala ti NJA3D druze moj :), tako da uskoro pravljenje novog bloga sa radovima...

Sorry for the many mistakes that I probably did, but I hope that I will improve, in time, my English writing...
HELL JEA! Finally 100 wonderful news: D, 1 He returned SIME! ( A friend, a peaceful soul and ingratiating voice, he! returned home, from surgery!,where he belongs, where he listens and understands the days and nights, of tapping and clicking :D ), my LAPTOP is repaired to the mutual satisfaction, mine and his! and for those in service ... how did they felt i really have no idea, but by their facial expressions when they saw me ... they felt relieved XD. FAST, RIGHT, HEALTHY works like lightning! 2. Nikon D70, who infamously ended his career, ( forever will remain a mystery, how he broke itself!) Has been sold ... Let Good luck! AND LET YOU serves good, with whomever it is, now therefore new camera took his place Canon SX 130 is: D.
VERY, VERY, VERY ... I am very satisfied how this little machine works and how it behaves, of course, is nowhere near DSLR, but it can be said, for for so little money...IT IS OK, HD video, decent quality, with which i will play later :) so I'll see what is going to turn out ... here a few photos ...
Next, this is brought to my attention that it would not be bad, that I write my blog in the 2-linguistic form, it is better this way, so I'll try to translate in English, now how will i be successful in this ... we'll see, also this is brought to my attention that i should make another one blog that deals exclusively with my work:), so I thought and realized that it was a logical choice, thank you my NJA3D frien :) so i whil create a new blog soon, that deals exclusively whit my works ...


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